#Interior Green Design
A perfect sense of continuity between open and interior spaces: this is the goal of interior green design as offered by Dellavalle Gardens. Intended for luxury homes, offices, business centres and hospitality environments (bars, restaurants, hotels...), our designer gardens may require the use of extraordinary tropical plants for their beauty and size or for their curious characteristics, such as the Tillandsia with its aerial roots. Additionally, plants in bespoke hydroponics, containers and planters, walls and panels with stabilised greenery, living greenery, water features may be used... One particular aspect, which has passionately engaged us for a long time, relates to our technological gardens and artistic gardens which involve the introduction of artistic works and features into interiors: masterpieces of contemporary art that leave a unique impression of strong character and emotional impact on the environments they are in.


It has now been ascertained by science and medicine that the introduction of plants inside houses does not only have a decorative role: the leaves of the plants, some more than others, filter the air that we breathe. Studies conducted by the University of Georgia in Atlanta (USA) and by other prestigious research institutes, including the University of Parma, have confirmed the purifying action of plants in the home, in office and places of work and study. The scientific studies carried out have shown that indoor plants not only purify the air but also have benefits for our personal and professional performance because natural living greenery contributes to significantly reduce our stress levels.


Some species of tropical and succulent plants, which are common in our homes because they are very decorative and easy to look after, have a special ability to rid the air of so-called VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, i.e. the group of substances in the air responsible for allergies, chronic disorders, stress, anxiety and other diseases that, according to data from the World Health Organisation, cause in excess of 1.6 million deaths each year. These substances include cooker and boiler gases, detergent fumes, building solvents and glues, cigarette smoke, particulate matter (pm10) present in urban air and the toxic components emitted by cars, heating systems and industry.


Dellavalle Gardens attaches great importance to the inclusion, both inside and outside, of works of art and artistic elements in green spaces which give elegance, character, beauty and an added value to the moments of our everyday lives. Thanks to our collaboration with contemporary artists who work in diverse creative languages and with different artistic materials of great emotional interest, we are able to suggest works of art in support of installations, such as vertical gardens, stabilised green walls and paintings or as complements to interior and exterior furnishings. Unique offerings to enrich environments with the pleasure of Made in Italy art and design expressed by a high-profile cultural avant-garde.


Plants have the ability to bring interest, vitality and personality to interior environments. Our interior green design work aims to use greenery in interiors in perfect harmony with the the furnishings and style of the environment and with respect to the individual species used (tropical plants, cacti, succulents, bromeliads, orchids, flowering plants...) Plants can either be perfectly integrated or can create pleasing contrasts of colour, form and design. Among the design elements that we consider are their deportment, the line and structure of their branches and their colour effects according to day and evening light with suitable localised lighting.


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Our proposals for flower and plant containers follow a stylistic and functional logic in the knowledge that they are very important complements to the interior design vision. For this reason, their selection requires technical knowledge and design experience to adapt vases and planters, including ones of a larger size, to their surroundings and to position them to enhance the plants they contain. Dellavalle Gardens collaborates with specialist firms in the creation, including the bespoke creation, of planters and vases in stainless steel, fibreglass and other special quality materials.


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In indoor environments, plants in hydroponics are an excellent answer to the need for low-maintenance, high-yield greenery. Hydroponics is a method of cultivation that allows plants to grow and develop with their roots immersed in water enriched with nutrients. The root systems are placed in special baskets with a level gauge and an appropriate space for containing the filling material. The basket is then positioned inside a container and filled with water and nutrients. Thanks to this type of cultivation, caring for the greenery is simplified: the level of the water necessary for the plant is shown by the indicator on the vase, thus eliminating the possibility of excessive or insufficient watering.

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Real works of natural art, “talking walls” include creations such as vertical gardens, stabilised green gardens and water walls. These are just some of the ideas that Dellavalle Gardens can achieve indoors, aimed at improving the aesthetics and wellbeing of the environment; these are unique and spectacular works that speak directly to our hearts, our minds and our emotions, where greenery and water are the protagonists, supported by our technological and artistic experience and always closely related to the surrounding environment.

Catalogo Dellavalle Giardini _ 2015